How do you say it in Hebrew?
Weekly Phrase #18
How to say in Hebrew
"It's about time\the time has come..."

It's Thursday again – and you know what that means… it's about time to learn another useful Hebrew phrase! But – how do we say "it's about time…" or "the time has come..." in Hebrew? Maybe you're thinking of the word "about" –"על"? But already know well enough, that things do not always work just like in English - and in this case if you'd used "על"– it wouldn't really make sense in Hebrew! Or perhaps - you're thinking about the verbs "לבוא" - to come. But - we will use another verb in this case: להגיע – to arrive! In Hebrew – we would say – the time has arrived! - הגיע הזמן!

Let's look at a few examples:
⮞ It's about time to start cooking – הגיע הזמן להתחיל לבשל (audio # 1)
⮞ It's about time you cleaned your room! – הגיע הזמן שתנקה\תנקי את החדר שלך! (audio #2)
The child is so tired, it's about time he went to bed – הילד כל כך עייף, הגיע הזמן שהוא יילך לישון (audio #3)
As you may have noticed - we use the past conjugation of להגיע - הגיע - in the present, when using this expression. But you can also use it in the future!

For exapmle:
⮞ Tomorrow it'll be time to talk about it – מחר יגיע הזמן לדבר על זה (audio #4)
⮞ In a year, the time will come to buy a new car – בעוד שנה, יגיע הזמן לקנות מכונית חדשה (audio #5)
⮞ When do you think the time will come to go home? – מתי את\ה חושב\ת שיגיע הזמן ללכת הביתה? (audio #6)
And now - the time has come to go learn some more Hebrew!

See you soon for another phrase!