Short weekday email - all you need is just 5-10 minutes a day!
No mandatory assignments, all contents will arrive straight to your mailbox!
(However - you are not alone - there will be a chat group for those who want to do optional tasks, for staying in touch and for asking questions!)
What's in the course?
20 short and easy to read emails
6 about Rosh haShana, 6 about Yom Kipur, 6 emails about Sukkot and 2 for Shmini Atzeret.
Covering topics such as
- the sources of the holiday, - its customs, - its symbols, - art inspired by it - songs - a fun activity to do with your grandchildren! (or your kids, or neighbors, or yourself!)
Emails delivered only on weekdays (not khagim and not shabbat)
Starting on September 26th! Join now!
JOIN NOW - €40
Questions & Answers
How many emails are in the course?
20 emails
How much does the course cost?
€40 - for the whole month of content-packed holiday emails ;)
For which level?
The course is designed so that learners from different levels can benefit from it - especially recommended for upper beginner or intermediate learners. Each email will have level-orientation instructions for these two levels.
Are there Zoom group lessons?
No, just emails! And the optional chat group. :)
Will I have access to the materials after the course is over?
Yes, sure! You have them all in your mailbox, just search your mailbox for "Tishrey Holidays" after the course is over. :)
What happens if I can't keep up with the pace?
You can come back to any email later, just search "Tishrey Holidays" email from The Hebrew Hub and come back to it at any time later!
What if I see that the course is not for me?
If you decide that it doesn't work for you for some reason - you get full refund within the first 6 days.
I am a PASS member, can I participate?
Yes, of course, the course is fully included in the Zoom PASS programs!
I'm here to answer!
Email me at:
Or write to the chat (see the balloon in the down right corner? ;) )