Now, today's topic -
I promised last week to tell you about the other meaning of לדאוג!
Last week we saw that it means "to worry," but that's not all there is to it!
Hebrew verbs are capable of this sort of magic - if a verb is followed by one preposition it means one thing, and if followed by another it means another thing! (More about it in the next newsletter!)
So, with this one, (-לדאוג (מ means "to worry"
לדאוג ל- means...
to take care!
Examples: 1
ממה אתה דואג? הכל בסדר!
What are you worried about? All's fine!
מי ידאג לכלב שלך שתסע לחופשה?
Who will take care of your dog when you'll go to the vacation?
Even better, I can combine them in ONE sentence -
אל תדאגי, אני אדאג לזה!
Don't worry, I'll take care of it!