hebrew WITH songs
any day, any time -
a timezone-free course!!!
Songs are best for learning Hebrew!!!

Why? Because you can listen to a song many times, play it in your head and sing it – no text will give you such a fun immersive experience!

But, on the other hand, songs are poetry, after all…

Which means that some lyrics can be vague or misleading, or flooded with slang, or taken from an old text that is not in modern Hebrew at all – and you wouldn't even know!

To spare you these eventual mishaps, and to enjoy our community spirit – let's learn with songs together!
How to join?
Included in these two routes:
(click the circle picture to join ->)
Materials and the accountability live chat with assignments!
How It Works
Day 1
Listen to the song (watch a video clip, most probably) and do a fill-in exercise - that is, try to fill in the gaps in the lyrics from listening! ;)
Day 2
Learn the vocabulary from this song with interactive flash cards (with audio) and record yourself saying a sentence of your choice from it - focus on pronunciation! :)
Day 3
Get a full-text PDF of the song lyrics (that you can print!) and answer some questions we have for you, - focusing on specific expressions and phrases and cultural things that are worth mentioning.
Day 4
Play games! :) Lyrics-based games, of course - check your understanding with multiple choice quiz and unjumble the words of the song!
Day 5
Write a sentence with as many words from the song as possible! ;)
Day 6
Better than a translation! :) Listen to a "walkthrough video" - a video in which I am reading the song together with you, line by line, translating and explaining everything!
Day 7
Time to get some rest! A day to catch some breath, maybe submit some assignments you missed earlier - because life is life, some days are busier than others!
All assignments are performed in the chat! That's our dynamic communication forum that lets us support your learning practically 24/7! A teacher is there for you all the time to appreciate the work you've done and, well, make some small corrections - if needed! ~
songs library
You get access to the full songs library - that is, songs with all their learning materials - not only for the present songs we are learning, but all the songs we have ever studied!
Register now - and let's have fun with the Hebrew songs, other Hebrew learners and the Hebrew verbs
Questions & Answers
  • How long is the course?
    it's ongoing, for as long as you like to be part of it!
  • Can I join for one month only?
    Yes, you can!
  • How much does the course cost?
    Part of The Hebrew Hub PASS plans - no-Zoom Mini PASS for €25 a month or
    no-Zoom 1-course PASS for €65 a month. Can be stopped any moment you decide. :)
  • What if I started, but I want to step out - can do I do it?
    Of course! It's simple - you can stop your subscription any time at your PayPal page. (If you don't know how - ask me and I'll do it for you!)
  • How do we learn? When are the lessons?
    There are no Zoom lessons. The format is – assignments posted daily in a text chat, plus you have access to all the materials on the online platform.

    It is a very flexible format timewise, good for learners from all time zones – including Australia and New Zeland! There will be no Zoom meetings – which means there is no need to be at your desk at a certain time – just monitor the chat daily, on your phone or your computer, follow the curriculum and the assignments whenever you want throughout the day!

    Each day out of those 30 days we are there for you, basically, 24/7 in the chat (well, we may be asleep occasionally – but we will get back to you as soon as we are awake!) – checking your assignments, posting new ones, answering your questions, supporting and applauding! 😊
  • What happens if I can't keep up with the pace?
    You can skip a day or two easily - and then either catch up with the assignment on Saturday, or just come back to this song later - you have all the materials available for you at our learning platform and via emails!
  • How do we select the songs for the course?
    First - many songs were chosen by you! And you still can ask us to add any song you want to learn with! Then, we have songs months grouped by genre (such as מזרחי or Eurovision songs :) ) and we have months grouped by singeres (such as שרית חדד or שלמה ארצי)
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