❤️wall of love ❤️
General feedback 💖
about The Hebrew Hub
  • E.F.
    You are the best teacher on many different levels- organized and fun courses, terrific preparation of many games and exercises, and you are warm and personal to us students!!! Thank you.
  • N.M.
    I’m so impressed with the courses you offer and the way you teach. Your personal connection with us as students is unique and very much appreciated, thank you!

    August 2021

  • L.S.
    What you’re doing is awesome (Had I been in your programs when I was getting started – I might not have lost ALL my confidence these 7 years of floundering)

    March 2022

  • J.P.
    Thank you so much for opening so many interesting course-modalities and for offering so much flexibility to be part of them!
  • G.
    TODA!!! Thank you again for providing this amazing website for so many wonderful ways to learn HEBREW in an affordable way……
  • E.F.
    Alisa is very organized, has great exercises, fun, and her methodology for teaching Hebrew. Highly recommend.
    Always love every course you offer!!! You are so prepared and specific, so different than italki mentors

    May 2022

  • P.G.
    I adore languages (I speak French, English/American, Mexican Spanish) as they do open many cultural/holistic secrets/hidden wisdoms/projects doors. Alisa's course is remarkable! The price for the quality is astonishing. But what makes it even more magical is Alisa's dedication to her students and her efficiency in teaching within a friendly atmosphere. That is a 10 on my coolometer תודה רבה .
  • O.C.
    When learning a new language you need to feel secured because you are trying and sometimes it can be very challenging !
    So what is GREAT with Alisa Zingerman Classes is that
    not only the materials and the lively way she shares her clever understanding of the Hebrew language
    but also the friendly atmosphere which surrounds all the learners.
    It takes a talent and she has it like a natural. Toda raba lekha !
  • J.S.
    I have been studying Hebrew for a long long time and I’ve tried multiple live groups and online groups, and by far and away, gives the best value and the best variety of teachers.
    Even the free Hebrew speaking project meetings on Monday and Thursday are facilitated and the teachers are excellent.
    I’ve tried many over the last 5 to 10 years and .. not only did they charge an arm and a leg but offer almost no content off-line. Alisa has so many different payment arrangements. Her content is innovative and varied and fun and brilliant.
  • E.C.
    Maybe my Hebrew learning journey would have been shorter if I had begun with Alisa earlier! The Hebrew Hub is really a gem out there.
  • N.
    You are the most innovative teacher out there!
  • T.G.
    I love your classes and all the lessons you prepare.
Intermediate and Advanced courses
Book Clubs, News Discussion Club, Movie Club, Let's Speak About
  • M.
    Book Club
    The Hebrew Hub is a wonderful source for practicing my Hebrew. Alisa has created a friendly, easy to use method for improving what I already know. Through informal discussions, classes, and the highly recommended bookclub, I’ve enjoyed my weekly participation. I never thought I could read an entire book in Hebrew but wow I really surprised myself! The Hebrew Hub works for all levels of Hebrew. The other teachers are amazing - lots of patience and enthusiasm. So happy I found this group.

    February 2022

  • V.P.
    Speak About
    I liked everything: the integration of writing assignments, recording a few sentences, listening to classmates stories, and conversing with each other during class times.

    I am one of Alisa’s first students at The Hebrew Hub. Alisa and her team of teachers put a lot of time and effort to create, post, and grade the assignments. They are always available to answer questions. Every speaking course has its own new material. The homework assignments integrate listening, reading, writing, and speaking. While I still have much to learn, my confidence and abilities in all areas have grown.
    The weekly group meetings are recorded and posted for reviewing at the student’s leisure. When I was unable to actively participate in one of the courses, I was able to watch the recorded videos, which made them a valuable resource.
    As a bonus, I have become friends with other classmates along the way. That doesn’t surprise me, since Hebrew is inherently a relational language. As such, I can heartily recommend Alisa’s courses.
  • S.G.
    Let's Speak and Book Club

    ...I can definitely hold a simple conversation now and express myself, often with help, and I keep at it and eventually will get there!. .... but I do love all you have to offer. Your speaking classes get all the colloquial speech and slang which is hard and your book clubs give a variety of descriptions and literary words etc. so you are covering all bases. Best of luck and health and all good challenges in the new year!
  • D.S
    Book Club
    I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the Book Club! I know that it helps improve my Hebrew in a fun and not-stressful way that is also a way of making new friends.
    Todah rabah!

    June 15th

  • K.B.
    Speak About
    מצאתי את השיעורים האלה בספטמבר אבל פחדתי כי לא הרגשתי חזקה ביכולותיי. רציתי לדבר עברית בנוחות עם משפחת בעלי. זה קשה כי לא גדלתי עם השפה. בעזרת כל המורות אני מרגישה בטוחה לדבר, לכתוב ולקרוא. תודה אליסה, נסטיה, רותם וראומה !!! (English translation - I found these classes in September but was afraid because I did not feel strong in my abilities. I wanted to speak Hebrew comfortably with my husband's family. This is hard because I did not grow up with the language. With the help of all the teachers, I feel confident speaking, writing, and reading. Thank you Alisa, Nastya, Rotem and Reuma!!!)
  • R.C.
    Book Club

    I took part in the two week book club and very much enjoyed it! ... I [also] signed up for the self-study course to try to catch up on grammar, etc. I love the structure of the book club! It’s organized very well and is a lot of fun! I would like to try again, but I think I need a little more practice first.
    Thank you Alisa for this great program!
  • T.G.
    Let's Speak About
    I ABSOLUTELY LOVE LOVE this class [...] Your classes and formats for learning are wonderful! I will rejoin to something in the next few months as time permits.
  • G.M.
    Book Club
    I enjoyed it very much. Being corrected, possibility to speak, possibility to slow down speech on zenler when listening to the correct version, communicating with you ... very nice this way of studying Hebrew!
  • E.F.
    Book Club
    For learning Hebrew with stories you provide the best sources I came across. With your content ist is much more fun learning Hebrew.
    Thanks for your effort !!
Beginner courses
Beginner 1 - HCC (Hebrew Crash Course), Beginner 1 (Stories) and Beginner 2 (Dialogues and Speaking Basics)
  • E.F.
    HCC 1 (Hebrew Crash Course)
    I really really love these courses. They teach reading listening vocabulary verbs with fun games that encourage me to do them twice. ... This has been so much more helpful for me than iTalki!

    March 2022

  • N.S.
    HCC 1 (Hebrew Crash Course)

    Your explanations are so clear. I wish it were to same for Ulpan.

    May Hashem bless the work of your hands.

    June 2022

  • A.C.
    HCC 3 (Hebrew Crash Course)
    I have learned so much already in this course.

    My brain feels like it’s getting rewired so it understands the tenses now.

    June 2022

  • M.T.
    HCC 3 (Hebrew Crash Course)
    I think it was a good, well paced course. I liked the feed back that we would get and the group dynamic.

    June 2022

  • F.
    HCC 2 (Hebrew Crash Course)
    It was great, I learned a lot and the weekly zoom sessions were helpful and fun too. It was much more intensive than the reading course. I love the pace and daily assignments of the reading course.

    March 2022

  • A.S and M.
    HCC 3 (Hebrew Crash Course)
    A.S. - That taught me more than I ever saw! Thanks! תודה!
    M. - I agree! VERY practical! Smart!!! Alisa is definitely a favorite!

    May 2022

  • S.B.
    HCC 1, 2, 3 (Hebrew Crash Course)
    I signed up ... working on grammar 12 and three. I just find you so enjoyable and really easy to learn. I can’t imagine how much work, you had to put into creating these dynamic courses but they are wonderful.
    I believe that with grammar one and two and three I can be ready for my trip to Israel on March 1.
  • A.C.
    HCC 3 (Hebrew Crash Course)

    Top marks on how you presented and explained the material. I struggled a lot with tenses before the course and now I find them easier. 10/10 would recommend to anyone wanting to learn Hebrew tenses.

    June 2022

  • T.G.
    HCC 1 (Hebrew Crash Course)
    I really like the way you break down the tenses and verbs, and then group them in a way which is more intuitive - so different from the standard ulpan lessons. You also do not drown your students in long videos: bite-sized is really good - easier to digest and process the information!
  • E.F.
    I LOVE this mini-story beginner class! Both the exercises & the zoom with Tehila.
    Alisa, Thank you for making wonderful, well-designed, organized, fun Hebrew courses for us!
  • J.P.
    HCC (Hebrew Crash Course)
    This course gives clear explanations of Hebrew verb structure in a way which can be easily applied. There’s lots of practice in a fun format with games and audio stories. It can be quite challenging at first, but does get easier as one gets more familiar with the language
  • S.S.
    HCC (Hebrew Crash Course)
    Great grammar explanations--clear with enough information to make sense of things. The sentence by sentence translation of the LinQ readings also really helped make sense of the unusual stories :)
  • F.K.
    HCC (Hebrew Crash Course)
    I loved your tutorial video's, you can make difficult stuff easier to understand. I do love the butterfly method.
  • S.F.
    HCC (Hebrew Crash Course) Alphabet
    Alisa gives a fantastic introduction to the written Hebrew alphabet and shows how the letters can look different when different people write them
  • S.F.
    HCC (Hebrew Crash Course) Alphabet
    The fun exercises , that the strokes were explained and we could watch how you write the letters
  • L.C.
    Reader First Stories
    I really liked it how it was - it was a fun way to add more vocab and solidify grammar without taking a lot of time!
    I loved the walk-through videos!
    This course was a super fun way to add more vocab in a way that feels effortless and really sticks! I had a lot of fun discovering I could read the stories on my own and then watch the walkthrough videos to clarify things I'd missed. My only complaint is that we didn't do more stories ;) Because now that the course is over, I want to keep going! Each of the days' exercises were helpful and fun and provided enough variation so it was never boring! :D
  • K.M
    HCC (Hebrew Crash Course) Alphabet
    I really enjoyed learning the Hebrew alphabet. I wanted to do something a bit different and thought that a completely different alphabet would be interesting and challenging. I looked online to see what was available in terms of courses and found Alisa. She is fantastic! Her course was great, she was great and through her course I learned that Hebrew is definitely for me. I will be sticking with The Hebrew Hub for my journey into this beautiful language.
  • J.H.
    Reader First Stories
    I like the simple stories that can be funny with basic grammar structure; it helps to understand and retain most Hebrew words if you attached humor with it. It is organized with the audio and video working well together with written stories. The repetition is great. I would definitely recommend this to a friend who wants to enjoy learning Hebrew. Thank you!
  • A.
    HCC (Hebrew Crash Course) Alphabet
    Right speed, right amount of material to digest at one time
    Every deatels explained,from Adam and Eve,no such a thing as stupid or too many question,fantastic teacher
  • R.
    HCC (Hebrew Crash Course) Alphabet
    A good teacher knows how to bring out the best in the student", and Alisa is one of those few good teachers. I wondered if I will ever read Hebrew because every time I tried to learn I found tough to concentrate and forgot. But Alisa made is so simple and interesting. Toda Rabba!!!
  • R.R.

    HCC (Hebrew Crash Course)

    I can highly recommend Alisa's grammar course. It inspired me and kept my nose to the grindstone, but with a smile on my face.
  • R.L.
    HCC (Hebrew Crash Course)
    This course provided the foundation and confidence that I needed to move on to intermediate level Hebrew courses and beyond. Absolutely the best format and value to jump-start Hebrew study. Best teacher ever!
  • O.
    HCC (Hebrew Crash Course)
    I definitely recommend taking this course with Alisa, she really knows how to put so many different vocabulary and verbs together for the students, so we can fill up our brain with so much hebrew; so if you want to get ready to continue learning hebrew, then Alisa is ready for you as well.
  • O.V.
    Script \ Handwriting
    Handwritten Hebrew is a great course. The videos with sample handwritten texts from native speakers were great. Also, the tips on how to “fake” an adult’s handwriting were very valuable. Overall, great value for the money!
  • R.R.
    Speaking Basics
    it has a real structure to it. i could flow with the river of hebrew. by the end of it, i felt i had quietly improved in my reading.
    alisa has a fun way about her that removes the feeling that one is taking a class, or doing homework. although one is actually doing just that. improve you hebrew - take alisa's hand in yours - she will guide you down the labyrinth of modern hebrew. and put a smile on your face while the language dragon slowly devours you.
  • K.B.
    HCC (Hebrew Crash Course)
    My husband is a native Hebrew speaker, having moved to the US after his military service. After taking both Alissa's Grammar 2 and 3 courses, he is astounded at how much I have improved in the past two months. The courses are organized well and follow a logical progression. As with any course, you can put as much or as little in it as you like (depending on your schedule throughout the week, which varies for me due to my works schedule). The final assignment, writing your own advice column, was very creative!
  • E.C.
    HCC (Hebrew Crash Course)
    I really like the way you break down the tenses and verbs, and then group them in a way which is more intuitive - so different from the standard ulpan lessons. You also do not drown your students in long videos: bite-sized is really good - easier to digest and process the information! Of course at the end of it, it is still overwhelming because of the Hebrew language system itself, but all's good!

  • A.R.
    HCC (Hebrew Crash Course) Alphabet
    good explanation, mnemonics, resources
    add worksheets
    This course helped me finally be able to read in Hebrew in a few days after trying to learn by myself for a long time.
  • J.P.
    Script \ Handwriting
    This course doesn’t just give the basics of the letter shapes, but helpful points about how to write and read the letters, how to distinguish similar letters from each other and how to fake grown up writing when you’re just a beginner. I’ll probably go back to the videos every so often when I’m uncertain.

    I took the Hebrew script part of the course and feel much more confident now about reading and writing script. Also I liked the points about writing like and adult. I am aware my Hebrew handwriting looks like a 5 year old when I attempt it.
  • R.F.
    Reader First Stories
    My name is Rhonda - and I took the "Reading Stories Together" course. The stories are fun - and I was surprised by how much I learned. It was so much easier to remember a lot of the words than I thought it would be! I would definitely recommend this course!
  • D.R.
    Script \ Handwriting
    I took the "sloppy handwriting" course. This was outstanding and answered all the questions I had about "strange looking" letters in people's handwriting. This was also good for reading Yiddish. Zayin and gimmel were especially hard to figure out before I took the course.

  • D.R.
    Script \ Handwriting
    I recently completed Alisa's short course on reading Hebrew handwriting. Her lectures, with lots of examples, were wonderful. I had struggled reading native Israeli handwriting and now I can read it. I also wanted to make my own childlike (too perfect) letters look more natural. Now I know how! I highly recommend Alisa's courses. They are well-developed and very useful.
  • E.F.
    תודה רבה על הקורס הטוב הזה! היה לי כיף ולמדתי הרבה. אני שמחתי להרגיש הצלחה

    The 15 week course was such a relief and pleasure to take a course at my level, instead of too difficult and always feeling a failure...

    My biggest difficulty is listening and understanding what I hear. It was surprisingly easy hearing the hebrew story and writing it in hebrew; it was spoken really clearly maybe, and I knew more of the vocabulary...
  • S.G.
    I really liked practicing easier material in this course and I felt that the listening and dictating and translating back exercises were very helpful along with writing your own related story using the vocabulary in this course. Tehilla was very attentive and corrected our work and guided our learning excellently and went slow enough for us to understand the material. Thank you for this wonderful course.
  • J.P.
    I really enjoyed this course. Tehila is an excellent teacher and there was plenty of opportunity to ask questions. The writing exercises were very useful. I feel much more confident now in speaking and understanding Hebrew
  • E.F.
    I have to tell you again, how much I love these beginner Mini-Story courses…

    They are bite-sized, & there are just enough new words & verbs, plus familiar but not totally memorized vocabulary, that they are a real challenge…. very practical for speaking Hebrew… Yet they are enjoyable. Instead of feeling overwhelmed and a failure; I feel successful & interested.
Grammar courses
Verb Practice, Verbs Karaoke, Prepositions
  • S.G.
    Thank you for explaining the music in the verbs course-please take every opportunity to do so till I can hear it for myself- I think it's helpful for the beginner and also think that the categories you made are very helpful for the beginner to understand the meanings of the verbs so they know which verb they need to use to reflect the meaning they want.

    January 2022

  • C.K.
    Verb Practice
    אני למדתי אצלך בשבועיים יותר ממה שלמדתי כל החיים שלי.
    אני יכולה לעשות את הפעלים עכשיו, אני יודעת מה אני עושה, אני יכולה להחליף מעתיד להווה לעבר...
    אני מאד מרוצה מהשיעורים, אני מאד אוהבת איך שאת מלמדת אותנו.

    December 2022

  • R.G.
    Verb Practice , verbs Karaoke
    I really enjoy the amount of listening you have in both the verb practice and the verb karaoke. It's one of the things I need the most just hearing and recognizing the words. I find it easier to just read them so this is great practicel
  • F.F.
    It is just a awesome resource that collects almost all tricky verbs+prepositions in one single course. Saved lots of time and effort!
  • D.B.
    It is a great course, I highly recommend it. I like the sources and content. It was fun to interact with other students. I liked that i could do it at my own pace but with assistance as needed. Glad that I signed up and I hope to be reviewing it in the future since prepositions play a big role in any language. Thank you for making it available.
  • C.C.
    Everything was such fun! I think that the "mnemonic " video and beautiful story will help me a lot in reviewing this huge amount of material. Thank you, Alisa,
  • B.W.
    Verbs Karaoke
    I highly recommend this course to anyone looking for an enjoyable way to practice verb conjugations. The exercises in the class are all reasonable in terms of time commitment and very helpful. You move from learning the verbs in a song, to listening comprehension of the verbs in that song, to applying the conjugations you learned to other similar verbs. I found that for many of the verb forms that I knew academically but struggled with in practice I would learn an example of a conjugation in a song and was then able to quickly apply that to similar verbs without having to "figure it out" -- this was a significant step forward for me. The class is a lot of fun, go for it!
  • O.V.
    The Prepositions course is a *must*.

    It is fun, educational, engaging, and you'll end up learning and internalizing the prepositions that go with certain verbs without even noticing. The instructors are patient; the participants are collaborative; it is totally worth it....
    I loved the interaction amongst all participants and with the instructors. Everyone was there to help us succeed and learn. Super informative. Great support material. Rotem was fantastic and patient! :-)
  • L.C.
    I liked having to record my speech--it helps with pronunciation and getting comfortable with new words etc. And I liked that the verbs and preposition pairs were presented in context--in a story format.

    The course was definitely worth taking--it was hard work for me as I didn't know alot of the verbs, but it was a helpful and fun enviroment and the teachers were always ready to lend a hand. There was so much handy info in the course that I know will help me as I continue to encounter the prepositions etc. Now I'll have a much better understanding of them.
  • J.R.
    I liked very much the creative way (as usual with all the Hebrew Hub Courses) in which such a challenging topic such as prepositions can be learnt while having fun.
    Amazing job, Alisa and team (Nastya, Rotem) thanks for putting so much effort for creating such valuable content for hebrew learners!
  • H.I.
    This course is great. In a playful and well planned course you learn everything about prepositions. Because of the games and stories you will get involved and it keeps you interested. And everything will be available for you for future use as well, which is great. I'm really thankful for the hard work in preparing this course.
  • J.P.
    Verbs Karaoke
    This is a great course. Learning through songs is very stimulating. For me this was a repeat course, I could see how much I’ve improved but still learned a great deal. The chat was very helpful too, thanks Tehila
  • R.G.
    I also thought class was great. Loved how it really had exercises where you could develop your ear for the Hebrew language.
  • S.G.
    Verbs karaoke
    Like Julietta, this is a repeat course for me and I can really see that I have progressed because the exercises were so much easier for me and found that they solidified my knowledge. Love the games- you are learning without knowing it as well as the rhythmic nature of the songs-the meanings of which are always challenging. Tehilla as usual was a pleasant guide and always helpful!! Thank you for a great course!!
  • R.M.
    Verbs Karaoke
    This is just wonderful for me, Alisa. The combination of visual orientation on the tenses butterfly, highlighting of personal pronouns, audio, and coloring all combine to help to really imprint this in the brain. Not only do I feel that I have gained these particular verbs into my personal repertoire, but I have increased my pattern recognition of prefixes and suffixes of verbs generally, both in the visual and auditory senses. This method really works for me. I feel a great sense of satisfaction associated with getting near the end of Week 1 of Verbs
  • R.B.
    Verbs Karaoke
    This is a great song for clear pronunciation of the verbs and a great variety of verbs, thank you! I am very sad this is the last song. I have thoroughly enjoyed the course and the variety of material, with lots of different ways to reinforce the verbs, and the tenses. I will miss the list of new verbs each week and the fun exercises, as well as the chat group Thank you so much for putting together such a helpful and fun course! Many thanks again Alisa
  • R.D.
    Thank you all for this most interesting and helpful course!

    This course helps me a lot in detecting errors (better than textbooks; and courses on some formal aspects of the language (like grammar ), which I took before....)!

    As well, the course helped me understand that it is often not possible to translate an English preposition independent of the verb in a sentence and then assume that the resulting translation into Hebrew is correct.

    The course offered a very useful selection of verbs, which were used in the context of a short story to elucidate the proper use of prepositions. In addition to this, the course was enriched by a set of useful exercises, and examples.
    To me, this was a very helpful course in my quest to improve on my Hebrew.
Special and Seasonal Courses
Reading the Bible Together, Jewish Holidays Courses, Listening with Shtisel
  • S.H.
    Hanuka Podcast
    This course was fun and easy to follow. I enjoyed it and learned some new words, but more importantly I was able to listen and get the explanation which is my weakest part.
  • L.M.
    Reading Bible Together
    Thanks very much for all the wonderful lessons! I have watched all the recordings and they are all so interesting. Amongst other intriguing aspects, I value in particular, the comparisons with Modern Hebrew that you highlight, as this helps to put many things into perspective.
  • J.S.
    Reading Bible Together
    This is fascinating! With Ilan (the teacher) I feel I am in the presence of greatness.
  • L.D.
    Listening Comprehension with Shtisel
    Excellent class! Daily practice listening to spoken Hebrew; link to interesting TV program; also strengthened spelling and writing. 100% !
  • D.R.
    Practice Project
    In the year, May 2020 I was desperate for talking partner or partners. Alisa Zingerman created it into something really great and has helped a lot of people expand there Hebrew skills. It has also connected me with a lot of very nice people who have helped me. I love Hebrew Hub and I recommend it to anyone who wants to learn Hebrew. For those planning to go to Israel, it is a must because you get so much more out of your visit to Israel if you can communicate with the people there. Americans don't like learning other languages but it's so much fun. It opens another world for you. I know it's out of your comfort zone, intimidating but after you get used to that, it's just a lot of fun
  • S.G.
    Listening Comprehension with Shtisel
    Since I am a lower intermediate student I did [...] transcript and optional exercise then video [first and then]. linqQ, multple choice and finally exercise one-the dictation. I think by the end I was hearing more from the listening

    The teachers were patient and answered all my questions-the material was interesting and the course really trained you to pay attention to what is being said which is so difficult for the language learner. Dictation is a really good skill to practice!