מועדון קריאה

I learn through reading... and you?
Learn Hebrew with
meaning and context!

Hand-picked narratives, weekly Zoom discussion!
Our Book Club makes reading Hebrew...
read real literature, not adapted or abridged, written originally in Hebrew
steady and accountable progress - reading portion and/or assignments every week
Easy to understand
daily walkthrough videos* for intermediate and beginners (see the example below)
weekly Zoom sessions - guided reading for beginners, conversation and discussion for the upper levels
chat group for posting assignments, lesson recordings, asking questions and staying in touch!
we are all here because we love Hebrew and love reading and it's an incredible experience to have them both!
How to join?
(click the circle to register)
Self-study and 2 speaking practice sessions
Book club materials, chat, and Zoom lesson
Book Club AND two other courses!
For three levels!
While the basic ingredients above are the same for all three, here are some level-specific differences:
  • Content ->

  • Weekly reading ->

  • Walkthrough videos ->

  • Assignments ->

  • New enrollment ->

Intermediate 1
  • Comic Novel
  • Several pages a week (~150-200 words)
  • cover all we read
  • diverse daily assignments (to practice new vocab, expressions and grammar)
  • New enrollment – every 1-2 months (each time we start a new story)
Intermediate 2
  • Short Stories
  • ~1 page a week

  • cover all we read
  • daily assignments (record yourself reading a sentence, write a sentence)
  • New enrollment – every 1-2 months (each time we start a new story)
  • Novel
  • ~20 pages a week (in-depth and fast reading practice, combined)
  • not provided currently
  • highlights on words/expressions that were interesting or not clear
  • New enrollment – once in half a year (each time we finish the novel!)
Here's What Our Students Say:
  • Linda
    What you're doing is awesome (Had I been in your programs when I was getting started – I might not have lost ALL my confidence these 7 years of floundering)
  • Marilyn
    The Hebrew Hub is a wonderful source for practicing my Hebrew. Alisa has created a friendly, easy to use method for improving what I already know. Through informal discussions, classes, and the highly recommended bookclub, I've enjoyed my weekly participation. I never thought I could read an entire book in Hebrew but wow I really surprised myself! The Hebrew Hub works for all levels of Hebrew. The other teachers are amazing - lots of patience and enthusiasm. So happy I found this group.
  • Nicole
    I'm so impressed with the courses you offer and the way you teach. Your personal connection with us as students is unique and very much appreciated, thank you!
What's a "walkthrough video"?
Here's a sample walkthrough of the Advanced Book Club – with the first lines from "סיפור של אהבה וחושך."

(Though we are not doing this kind of videos for advanced level books any more, it can give you an orientation of how a text of this level can feel.)
Now a sample walkthrough video matching the level of the Intermediate Book Club – with the first lines from "השמיים בוכים"

(6 videos like this each week - a video a day to cover what we read during the whole week)
And here's the sample walkthrough video from the Comics Book Club – with a page from "יומן של אנה פרנק"

(1 video like this covering the whole weekly reading piece)
Questions & Answers
  • When does the course start?
    One week before we start reading a new story - or novel - I will make an announcement that the registration is opened! Once in months for the advanced, once in 3-6 weeks for beginners and intermediate. Subscribe HERE to get the announcements!
  • Who is the course for?
    Book lovers! If you love reading - this club is for you! Get to know the real non-adapted Hebrew literature in original!

    For intermediate learners - a slower paced reading pace, a page a week, with more explanations and help, for the advanced learners - we are reading real novels together, a chapter a week. - and then we meet to discuss what we've read!
  • What is the reading level for each group?
    For the intermediate level we will be choosing interesting short stories for you, from different sources (here, for example), of different styles and authors, trying to be as diverse and as interesting as possible to keep all readers happy. :)
    The reading volume ~300 words a week.

    For the the advanced course, in which we are going to stay with one long novel for a while, we will dedicate the first three weeks to familiarizing ourselves with a first chapter of three different novels and then we will be voting to choose the one the participants like the most. :) (In our first run we chose Neuland)
    The reading volume ~15 pages a week.

    You can also have a look at the walkthrough videos above - they make quite good representative samples of our usual text level!
  • When is the lesson?
    The Comics Intermediate group lesson is on Mondays, 9pm Israel time
    (see the time converted to your time zone HERE)

    The Stories Intermediate group meets on Tuesdays, 4:30pm Israel time!
    (see the time converted to your time zone HERE)

    The Advanced group meets on Wednesdays, 7:30pm (see the time converted to your time zone HERE)

    *You can also see the times and the lessons at the calendar -
  • Is the lesson conducted in Hebrew?
    The general principle - the more advanced the group is, the less English is used.

    Specifically, the purpose of the lesson for the three groups is slightly different.

    For the Comics Intermediate group - the purpose of the lesson is reading together, getting a better understanding of the text, and acquiring new structures and vocabulary. In this case - we do use English language for getting a better understanding of the text.

    For the Stories Intermediate and the advanced - the purpose of the lesson is speaking practrice. For the intermediate we may use an explanation in English if necessary and justified, whereas for the advanced group it is rarely needed, the advanced lesson is Hebrew-only.
  • What is your criteria for novel selection (for the advanced group)?
    Normally, all our novels -
    a) are written in Hebrew originally
    b) have a Hebrew digital version, for easy access
    c) have a Hebrew audio version, we believe in the importance of listening (especially for such a language as Hebrew, written without vowels)
    d) have an easily available English translation (useful for having a quick look at a specific phrase or to catch up with the group if the week has been too busy for you to read it all in Hebrew - and you do want to participate fully in the discussion! ;) )
  • The course "ingredients"
    Once you start the course, here is what you get:

    - For the intermediate learners we prepare the text for reading in different reading formats (PDF, GoogleDoc, and, last but not least, we upload it to LingQ! Not a must, but students who are using it really appreciate the contribution.)

    - We have "walkthrough videos" for the intermediate (see the examples above).

    - We have small daily assignments posted at the course chat (different for each group, fine-tuned to the needs of each level)

    - We have a weekly Zoom group lesson (for the comics - for reading together, for the intermediate and the advanced students - for speaking practice)
  • How much?
    You can take this course - this and all previous runs - for self-study a part of the mini-PASS program (€41 a month), or take this course only as a 1-course PASS (€95 a month) or register for the full PASS and join this and any other course that The Hebrew Hub has! (€155 a month)
  • Do we pay monthly?
    The payment is monthly, which means that if you pay, for example, on January 12th it covers your subscription till February 12th. If you stay with us for more than one whole month and then if you decide to discontinue - you are entitled to keep all the materials you started learning with, even if you leave before we are done reading the book/story.
  • What do I get after I sign up?
    Once you sign up, you'll get an automated welcome email (check all your email folders!), saying that your enrollment is confirmed!

    Then, on the day before we start reading the next novel/story, you'll get two things:

    First - you'll get an email inviting you to the course chat. This is a text chat, and it's a very important step - it's your main communication channel with the teacher and other classmates.

    Second - you'll get all the learning materilas - the google doc, the PDF, the LingQ, the walkthroughs - all as one link, neatly gathered at an online learning platform, accessible from your desktop as well as from your mobile.
  • How long is the course?
    The course is ongoing, - because learning a language - and reading - it's a way of life, as I see it. :) Once we finish reading a story or a novel - we start reading a new one! It takes a monthly subscription - but of course, you can stop it and step out any time!
  • Will the lesson be recorded?
    Yes, all lessons are recorded - not publicly, of course, but only for the course participants! So you can watch any lesson again, if you want to, or catch up if you couldn't make it to one of the lessons! ;)
  • Will there be additional costs?
    Sometimes yes. ;) You may need to need to purchase the digital version of the story/novel we are reading to be ok with the copyright, but it is not expensive and it will happen, probably, twice a year. (For the advanced group it will happen when we decide which novel we are going to settle for, and we are going to stay with this novel for quite a while, and for the beginner/intermediate groups we will be taking most of our stories from free collections, and then maybe once in a while we will ask you to buy something exceptionally good – like Etgar Keret stories collection. 😉)
  • How to register?
    Join as part of mini PASS (access to learning materials obly) or 1-course PASS or full PASS (access to everything, including the live Zoom lessons).

1) 10-day money-back guarantee
If you are a newly registered student and you see that the course is not working for you for some reason I guarantee you a full refund and subscription cancellation (just let me know within the first 10 days of your subscription.)*

2) Participation cancellation
You can step out of the course any time - contact me and I'll unsubscribe you!

*Please note, that in case of refund withing 10 days you do not get to keep the access to the materials of the story you started reading. However, if you cancel your subscription in the middle of a story - this storie's materials are your to keep. :)